Favorite Accessible Trails Websites
Wheelchair Wandering — Accessible Trails in Washington State — “I am a passionate traveler and avid outdoors fan. When MS eventually changed from a diagnosis to my reality, I entered a new life as a wheelchair user. For an active person such as myself, the loss of mobility is accompanied by a loss of identity… So, I set about the long process of recreating a life and an identity for my new reality.”
Disabled Hikers is “a project by disabled hikers for disabled hikers. We provide information and resources that will help you know what to expect on a trail and plan accordingly… Syren Nagakyrie, the founder, also leads group hikes around the Olympic Peninsula and western Washington and Oregon.”
Washington Trails Association wheelchair access trail finder (new!)
WTA – Trails for Everyone — “Everyone deserves to have opportunities to recreate outdoors and to have safe, welcoming and inclusive experiences on trail. If there’s one thing we know — it’s that trails and access to the outdoors are a must-have. Unfortunately, outdoor spaces are not safe or accessible for everyone, nor is our state’s hiking community always as welcoming or inclusive as it should be.”